Thursday, November 6, 2014

Revolutionizing Healthcare Organizations

The healthcare industry is a major driving force to the American lifestyle because they provide thousands of jobs, save lives and send billions of dollars, if not trillions, into the economy. However, the healthcare industry spends billions of dollars, if not trillions, each year providing medical care because it’s an expensive practice that consumes valuable resources. Before you start thinking about the complicated surgeries, procedures and the expensive medications, think about another factor that costs healthcare organizations a ton of money: paper.

Now you may not think that paper is a big deal or is an important role at a healthcare organization. But paper is used to print patient records, it’s used for patients to fill out forms and there just is an unnecessary amount of paper flow that occurs every day. Why would this matter? Because cutting costs where they will not sacrifice jobs can save patients and the healthcare organization a lot of money would be cost effective. We live in the technology age, so why aren't we utilizing it at its fullest potential? This means paper can be cut out of healthcare organizations by initiating the use of automated healthcare solutions that turnprinted documents in digital files.

Streamlining paperwork to be performed on a digital format can save money, the environment and even speed up healthcare response time. Think of the last time you were in the waiting room and had to fill out a bunch of paperwork – it probably took some time and even caused you some frustration. Imagine that step falling out of the process, patients could see faster care and lowered costs. There are a few different automated healthcare solutions that are possible to implement in any organization. Take for instance a registration kiosk in the lobby of a hospital – this type of technology could speed up the registration time and automatically check you into the hospital with pre-admit forms that help schedule your visit.

Something as simple as a kiosk would make it easier for patients to check in and reduce the amount of time wasted filling out paper forms. Healthcare organizations all over the country should start phasing out paperwork and get a jump on the 21st century.

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